Internal run curtain rods for wall mounting in 1-track design Available are round internal run profiles with 16 and 20mm diameter in colors stainless steel or white, as well as square profile 14x35mm in aluminum satin. As carrier systems we offer single track carriers made of stainless steel V2A "Sont" and "Top" (for profiles Ø 16mm and Ø 20mm), as well as aluminum carrier system "bend" in alu-glossy and white, suitable for all our internal run profiles. For all our internal run curtain rods we guarantee a , Roundabout trouble-free way of the curtain, i.e. the wall brackets do not interfere with the way of the curtains and curtains.
Besides standard versions with straight internal run rods, we can also offer custom-made curved rods to measure. You can send us your drawings and sketches by email or fax, you will get a complete offer immediately. Of course, you can also send a template by mail.
We bend all our internal run rods to measure
Please send us a sketch by email or fax, you will receive an offer immediately.

Internal run curtain rod bent in one piece for bay window, wall bracket system "bend", completely in alu-white

Internal run curtain rod bent in L-shape, wall bracket system "sont", roundabout trouble-free way of the curtain